
来源 :重庆工贸职业技术学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leobear
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微商是伴随着网络商业模式发展形成的新概念,对它的研究褒贬不一。乐观的理论包括:广客户带来了难得的商业机遇、低成本迎来了微商的炙热化、低门槛创造了更多就业机会、模式是未来的一种发展趋势;消极的理念认为:质量无保证、维权是难题、监管系统不完善、传销风险高、信息有效性低。展望微商的发展,笔者认为微商将会:政策从不明朗到逐步明确、行业从不规范到逐步程序化、探讨从现象分析到理性归纳。 Micro-business is accompanied by the development of the network business model formed a new concept of its research mixed. Optimistic theory includes: Broad customers bring rare business opportunities, low prices ushered in the micro-business hot, low barriers to create more jobs, the model is a trend of the future; negative philosophy that: quality No guarantee, rights protection is a problem, the regulatory system is imperfect, pyramid marketing risk is high, and information is not effective. Looking forward to the development of micro-trades, the author believes that micro-traders will: the policy from the uncertainty to the gradual and clear, the industry has never been standardized to the progressive programming, to explore from the phenomenon analysis to rational induction.