英语中的新词正快速增加,英语新词研究也进展迅速,但鲜有专门针对英语政治新词的研究。鉴于此,从英语新词的概念入手,以美国方言协会(American Dialect Society)每年评选出的政治新词为基础,对近十年的英语政治新词进行分析,并在此基础上归纳了英语政治新词的特点及语言接纳度。最终得出结论:英语政治新词随国际政治形势的变化而变化。分析英语政治新词有助于及时地跟踪了解英、美等国关于当代英语词汇的最新研究成果及其政治形势,从而有力地指导跨文化交际教学实践与研究。
New words in English are rapidly increasing, and research on new English words has progressed rapidly. However, few researches have been made on new English political words. In view of this, starting from the concept of new English words, based on the new political words selected annually by the American Dialect Society, this article analyzes English political neologisms in the past ten years, and on this basis, concludes English The Characteristics of New Political Words and the Acceptance of Language. Finally, it comes to the conclusion that the new English political words change with the change of the international political situation. Analyzing the new English political words helps to keep track of the latest research results on contemporary English vocabulary in Britain and the United States and other political situations in a timely manner, so as to effectively guide the practice and research of intercultural communication teaching.