Reforms Buttressed by SOE Profits

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  In 2016, profi ts of China’s state-owned enterprises (SOEs) grew by 6.7 percent following two years of negative growth. The growth is the highest since 2012, and profit sources have also changed signifi cantly. Revenue from the electronic device, electrical equipment and pharmaceutical industries are rising at a remarkable pace, and a better profi t structure is being formed.
  According to figures from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), SOEs’ monthly profits had been dropping since October 2014. After two years of stagnation, 2016’s success has become an important indicator of SOEs’ ability to withstand economic diffi culties and reforms.
  There are three main aspects to consider regarding the recovery of profi tability.
  To start with, it bolsters motives for accelerating SOE reforms. In recent years SOEs have been facing more challenges due to sluggish economic conditions at home and abroad, and the advancement of SOE reforms has also intensifi ed pressure on their businesses. As a result, profits earned by SOEs kept declining.
  After weathering two years of economic difficulties, SOEs and their employees have now become more adaptable to and supportive of structural changes, stimulating further reforms.
  Second, the recovery has become a case study on China’s economic growth and encourages government at all levels to be more confi dent in overcoming diffi culties in developing the real economy.
  Government at all levels must recognize that SOE recoveries can only be achieved by undergoing economic transformation and industrial upgrading, improving quality and effi ciency, and intensifying institutional and supply-side structural reform.
  Finally, it creates conditions for improving the industrial structure and boosts the transformation and upgrading of the Chinese economy.
  In 2016, out of total SOE profits, the proportion derived from the three most profi table industries dropped to 65.2 percent from 75.8 percent in 2015.
  Changes in the structure of these profi ts reflect the higher quality and efficiency of the Chinese economy. The recovery was achieved while the country was cutting surplus industrial capacity and shutting down unprofi table “zombie companies.” Structures in traditional, heavy industries such as oil, power and coal have been effectively adjusted, and the economy is now focusing on the advanced manufacturing and modern services industries.
  New growth drivers are cropping up for SOEs: electronic device, electrical equipment and pharmaceutical industries have ranked among the top 10 profitable industries for three years in a row. Electronic engineering, intelligent manufacturing, smart city development and other new industries are being formed. This indicates an optimized industrial structure with new growth drivers being cultivated, laying a solid foundation for the continued recovery of profi tability and sound economic growth.
  However, we shouldn’t be overly optimistic. More reform measures are needed to reinvigorate SOEs in order to deal with domestic downward pressure and an increasingly uncertain world economic environment characterized by sluggish international trade, intensified trade protectionism and increasing geopolitical risks.
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低年级学生要进行正常阅读,就必须有一定的识字量,两年的识字量须达到小学识字总量的一半左右,平均每课时要识10个左右的生字。尽管苏教版小语教材采用了识写分流的方法,但师生们仍觉得识字负担较重。怎样提高识字教学的效率呢?我们应积极发挥教材优势,运用多种方法来进行识字教学,让学生的识字变得生动形象、富有情趣。下面,结合苏教版二年级上册教材,说些建议。    一、 集中识字趣味化    为了让学生提高识字
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