Low-lying houses, dirt paths, stinking ditches, a litter-strewn environment, poor school conditions, and poorly equipped clinics-these are problems still plagui
In 1624, P. Antonio de Andrade, a Portuguese missionary with the Indian Agra Society of Jesus, reached Zhaburang, capital of the Guge Kingdom in Ngari via non.h
<正>If Tibetan Buddhism were taken as a lake.Lhasa would be an island inits center.When the wind blows,the lake ripples with gentle waves spreading out to the e
<正> Given the special geologicalconditions and fierce weath-er Tibet used to be land-locked. Development of itstransportation always has the uppermostattention
<正> Thirty-four out of the 117 aid-Tibet projects, undertaken according to the decision of the 4th National Conference on Work in Tibet held by the CPC Central