Breakthrough in the Ambient Catalytic Destruction of Formaldehyde

来源 :Science Foundation in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ll19870627
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Indoor air quality is a major factor influencing the human health.Formaldehyde(HCHO) is a hazardous and dominant common indoor air pollutant in China.How to effectively and economically eliminate the indoor air HCHO is of great interest and challenge to researchers. The Research Group of Environmental Catalysis,led by Professor Hong He in Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences,Chinese Academy of Sciences,has been devoted to the development of new methods and technologies for indoor air purification for years.Funded by the National Nature Science Indoor air quality is a major factor influencing the human health. Formaldehyde (HCHO) is a hazardous and dominant common indoor air pollutant in China. How to effectively and economically eliminate the indoor air HCHO is of great interest and challenge to researchers. of Environmental Catalysis, led by Professor Hong He in Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, has been devoted to the development of new methods and technologies for indoor air purification for years. Funded by the National Nature Science
抗胰岛素糖尿病是糖尿病中特殊表现形式,系指糖尿病患者每日胰岛素需要量超过200单位,持续48小时以上尚不能控制者。我院确诊1例,兹报道如下: 曹×,男,39岁。于1957年11月确
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流产是指胎儿体重不到500g 而终止妊娠者。这时胎儿不能存活,妊娠12周前终止妊娠称为早期流产,妊娠12~28周之间终止妊娠称之为晚期流产。妊娠是胎儿在母体内发育成长的过程,
妊娠期妇女的皮肤常可见生理性变化,也可发生特异的皮肤病变,原有疾病可因妊娠而恶化。这些疾病可影响母体和胎儿,甚或造成不良后果。 Pregnant women often see physiologi
行回顾性配对研究以了解多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)患者激素失衡情况在围绝经期是否仍存在;除无排卵外发生代谢性疾病的危险因素是否增加。研究对象为1956年~1965年间因 PCOS 行卵