直探堂奥 慧見卓識——讀蒙文通師《巴蜀史的問题》

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蒙文通先生(1894—1968)是我國現代杰出的歷史學家和經學家,爲我國古代歷史文化研究作出了多方面的卓越貢獻,先生對巴蜀歷史文化的研究就是其中突出碩果之一。今年是文通師120周年誕辰,謹以此文紀念和緬懷先生。先生認爲,區域史是全國歷史的重要组成部分,二者之間關係密切,至爲重要,於1958年寫道:“十餘年前余深感各省區(或數省合爲一區——原注)在不同歷史時期對國史有其不同影響,而各省區之歷史關係整個國史者至重;近又深感省區内各州府(或數州府 Mr. Meng Wen-tong (1894-1968), an outstanding historian and scholar in modern China, made outstanding contributions in many aspects to the study of ancient Chinese history and culture. The study of his history and culture is one of the outstanding achievements. This year is the 120th anniversary of the textual division, just to commemorate and cherish the memory of this gentleman. In his opinion, the history of the region is an important part of the history of the country. The two are closely related to each other and are of great importance. In 1958, they wrote: ”More than a decade ago, - The original note) had different influences on the history of the country in different historical periods, while the historical relations among the various provinces and autonomous regions were of the utmost importance to the entire history of the Chinese nation.