《聊斋志异 山市》之奂山名实考辨

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奂山,以蒲松龄《聊斋志异.山市》闻名,蒲翁还有多首写“奂山道中”的诗。今人所谓的“奂山”只是一座远离奂山道的山丘,这是人们对于奂山的误读。根据《淄川县志》和古代诗文的描述,奂山是北至周村区明水镇张家沟,南至淄川城南镇西楼村的一座绵亘淄川城西,南北长近20里的山,含十几座峰头。盖因奂山庙会缘故,众俗误以为奂山就是庙会所在地的峰头。积讹既久,致有未予深察的读书人形诸文字,遂至谬讹流传,误读至今。 Huan Shan, with Pu Songling “Strange Stories. Mountain City” is famous, there are many written Po Weng “Huan Shan Road” poem. Today’s so-called “Huan Shan” is just a hill far away from Huan Shan Road, which is a misunderstanding of Huan Shan. According to the description of “Zichuan County” and ancient poetry, Huan Shan is north Zhangjiagou in Mingshui Town, Zhoucun District, and west of Shilou Village in Chengnan Town, Zichuan City. Mountain, with more than a dozen peaks. Because of Huan Shan temple because of the reason, the public mistakenly believe that Huan Shan is the temple where the peak. Since the mistakes were made for a long time, the texts of the study of human figures that have not been thoroughly investigated have come to be false and have been misread so far.
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