The American Heart Association (AHA) aims to create a healthier lifestyle, away from cardiovascular disease and stroke. This series of articles is divided into two parts, the first part of this article is an overview of the work of medical personnel in the application of evidence-based medicine in practice. The AHA supports and promotes the use of evidence-based medicine. The scope of this work is broad and includes the following aspects: (1) supporting scientific research and funding young medical professionals and researchers; (2) disseminating scientific information; (3) (4) establish and promote the application of operational indicators / measures; (5) develop clinical decision support and quality improvement tools; and (6) conduct targeted activities. All of these help improve patient care. This article also discusses the need for new technologies and the AHA’s strategy to shorten the gap in healthcare. Part 2 of this series of articles will be published shortly and will test the work of the AHA to see if it will ensure that patients who receive health care pay more attention to their health and medical problems.