毛发的生长呈周期性变化,与其微环境中各成分的作用密切相关。其中,真皮脂肪作为重要部分,参与了毛发的周期性变化,与此同时,毛发的周期性变化亦对真皮脂肪细胞产生影响。该文对真皮脂肪细胞的定义及其对毛囊的作用及相互关系进行了综述,希望通过对真皮脂肪的分析,提出毛发再生领域研究的新思路。“,”The hair cycle is effected by various components in the microenvironment of hair follicle niche. The dermal adipocytes, as an important part, has been shown to be relevant to epidermal homoeostasis during hair follicle regeneration, and the periodic change of hair also affects the dermal adipocytes. This article reviewed the relationship between dermal adipocytes and hair follicle, and tried to find a new sight in the field of hair regenerations.