【摘 要】
【机 构】
清华大学精密仪器与机械学系,清华大学精密仪器与机械学系,清华大学精密仪器与机械学系,清华大学精密仪器与机械学系 北京 100084,北京 100084,北京 100084,北京 100084
Gear drive system accuracy test is in line with the “precision mechanical design” course set up teaching experiments. Precision gear drive system is widely used in various instruments, instruments and precision machinery, with the rapid development of modern industrial production and science and technology, the performance of the gear drive system put forward higher and higher requirements, of which the precision gear drive system Accuracy is the main performance index. The purpose of this experiment is to enable students to understand the basic concepts of gear drive system accuracy, to master the theoretical calculation and accuracy testing methods, to analyze the factors that affect the accuracy from the measurement results, and to correctly put forward measures to further improve the accuracy, which has practical value in industrial production.
Zinc induces protein phosphatase 2A(PP2A) inactivation and tau hyperphosphorylation through PP2A(tyrosine 307) phosphorylation in cells and the brain, but wheth
AIM:To investigate the effect of hydrogen sulfide(H2S)on smooth muscle motility in the gastric fundus.METHODS:The expression of cystathionineβ-synthase(CBS)and
别名土羌活、山羌活、蝴蝶花。基源为姜科植物黄姜花Hedychium flavum Roxb的根茎。植物形态多年生高大草本植物。根状茎横走,块状,味辣如姜。叶长圆状披针形或披针形,全缘。
1.湖南邵阳一个叫腊树坳的山沟里,长年只住着李春涛老人一家。10年来,为了保障老人的正常供电,运检员每月都要沿着崎岖山路,进行一次检查。老人有任何问题,维修员都随叫随到。26根电杆,1600多米线路,一个供电台区,只为点亮一盏灯,每年仅线损就万余元。费这么大劲,值吗?“我们不能只考虑经济效益,更要肩负社会责任。”邵阳县供电局给的理由很简单:山里就老人一户人家,我们不能让他晚上亮不了灯。 2.浙江