采用新钓饵 掐鱼获小胜

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3月13日,我和几个朋友开车来到每周必去的原阳县金龙鱼庄。已经有78位钓友稳坐塘边,兴奋的一天开始了。忘了介绍金龙鱼庄现有小鲫鱼和混养两个池子,水深1.8米,钓位160个,小鲫鱼为年前的一部分老头鱼和近期新补的一千斤一两的。老鱼从烟头大到2~3两不等,比较猾;混养以鲤鱼和大鲫鱼为主,平时不让练竿。今天我们就是专门来钓小鲫鱼的。为了提高钓技,我们钓友每周都来这地方掐鱼。 March 13, I and a few friends drove to the Golden Week Yuanyang County will go to the fishing village. There have been 78 anglers sit tight pond, the exciting day began. Forgot to introduce Arowana Zhuang existing small crucian carp and polyculture two ponds, 1.8 meters deep, fishing position 160, a small carp part of the year before the old man and the recent replacement of a thousand pounds one or two. Old fish from the cigarette butt big 2 ~ 3 ranged, more cunning; polyculture with carp and big crucian carp, usually do not let practice pole. Today we are specifically to catch small carp. In order to improve fishing skills, we DiaoYou every week to this place pinnacle.
这个消息就像一场及时雨,给处于水深火热中的利物浦注入了一股强心剂,新老板的入主将会给利物浦带来巨大的转机,成功易主也会给利物浦带来众多好处。红军不但有望摆脱巨额债务,而且这也会激发球员斗志帮助球队彻底反弹,顺利回归英超BIG4行列,也有望夺得阔别20年之久的英超联赛冠军。    百年老店遭遇生死危机 红军反弹需香克利之魂    目前,利物浦正处于低迷时期,英超7轮赛事结束后,利物浦1胜3平3负仅积