吉林省榆树柴油机厂广大革命职工遵照伟大領袖毛主席关于“农业的根本出路在于机械化”的伟大教导,自己动手,設計制造八刀凸輪軸車床。八刀凸輪軸車床是粗、精加工490型柴油机配气凸輪軸的专用設备,适合一般內燃机厂使用。它具有以下特点: (1)本机床装有搖凸輪机构,車刀的切削角度可随加工工件的曲率半径的变化而相应变化,因而提高了加工工件的表面光洁度,减少磨削余量;
The majority of revolutionary workers in Jilin Province’s Elm Diesel Engine Factory follow the great teachings of Chairman Mao on “the fundamental way out for agriculture lies in mechanization”, which is the great leader in designing and manufacturing the Octopus camshaft lathe. Eight knife camshaft lathe is rough, finishing 490 diesel engine equipped with special equipment for camshafts, suitable for general internal combustion engine use. It has the following characteristics: (1) The machine is equipped with a rocker cam mechanism, the turning angle of the turning tool can be corresponding changes in the radius of curvature of the workpiece, thus improving the surface finish of the workpiece and reducing the grinding margin;