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每年的高考语文中最惹人关注的当属是作文了。不仅因为作文分值高,主观性强,更主要的是对此话题,内行外行都有话可说,有理可辩。再加上,网络时代,信息传播飞速,各种言论吸人眼球,媒体热议更是推波助澜。高考一结束,对全国9套试卷作文题的评论铺天盖地。有意思的是,每年对高考作文题的评议几乎都遵从相同的路数:先是官方媒体或者主管部门的专家一致叫好,接着是作家学者或一线教师的一片吐槽。双方都站在各自的立场上,自说自话,见仁见智。等高考的余波退去,热评的喧嚣平息,再 The most noteworthy language in the annual college entrance examination is undoubtedly the composition. Not only because of high writing scores, subjectivity, more important is the topic, the layman has something to say, reasonable to debate. In addition, the Internet era, the rapid dissemination of information, all kinds of remarks attract the eye, the media is even more hot flare. As soon as the college entrance examination is over, the comments on essay questions of 9 sets of national papers are overwhelming. It is interesting to note that almost every year reviews of essay questions in the college entrance examination follow the same path: first, the acclaim of experts in official media or administrations is unanimously appalling, followed by writers and scholars or frontline teachers. Both sides stand on their own positions, since they say something, they have different opinions. Waiting for the college entrance examination to recede, heat of the noise subsided, and then
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