日本国会第 1 50会期审议通过了《关于外国破产处理程序的承认协助法》 ,并于2 0 0 1年 4月 1日付诸实施。该法涉及破产案件中国内外法人和自然人的法律地位、涉外管辖权、破产程序的域外效力、承认破产程序的协助措施等问题 ,旨在合法、合理地妥善处理涉外破产案件 ,为日本与外国的破产程序的相互承认与协助扫除了法律障碍 ,并提供了必要的法律依据。
The 110th Session of the Japanese Diet examined and adopted the Recognition and Assistance Act Concerning Foreign Bankruptcy Proceedings and put it into effect on April 1, 2001. The law addresses the legal status of legal persons and natural persons both inside and outside the country in cases of bankruptcy, foreign-related jurisdiction, the extra-territorial effect of bankruptcy proceedings and the recognition of the insolvency procedures and other assistance measures. The law aims to properly handle cases concerning foreign bankruptcy legitimately and reasonably and provide legal support to Japanese and foreign The mutual recognition and assistance of insolvency proceedings removed legal obstacles and provided the necessary legal basis.