近年来,许多大中城市芽菜生产正悄然兴起,芽菜以其周期短,投入少,效益高,品质柔嫩,口感佳,风味独特,营养丰富,优质高档,无公害等特点,受到众多消费者的青睐。我们通过一年的试验栽培,获得了较好的效果。 一、选种及种子处理 1.选种 用于芽菜栽培的豌豆种子,应选择发芽率在95%以
In recent years, many large and medium-sized cities sprout production is quietly rising, sprout with its short cycle, low investment, high efficiency, soft quality, taste good, unique flavor, nutritious, high quality, pollution-free and so on, by many consumers Of all ages. We have achieved good results through one-year experimental cultivation. First, the selection and seed treatment 1. Selection for the cultivation of pea sprout seeds should choose the germination rate of 95%