病历摘要女患,45岁。下颌关节部明显肿大、疼痛2个月。查体:心肺及腹部无异常所见;左下颌骨膨隆,压痛不明显,骨样硬,髁状突膨隆达下颌骨角部,开口受限,仅开大0.2cm,下颌骨左右活动范围0.3cm。X 线显示:左髁状突比右侧明显宽大,并与关节结节部界限清楚,内有骨小梁结构及缺损畸形.临床诊断:左髁状突肿物,不除外软骨瘤。病理改变:镜下呈典型畸形性骨炎之改变。可见骨板、骨小梁形成特有的镶嵌结构。其中可见不规则的结合线,其着色比正常骨组织深。骨原有的板层结构消失,骨髓为增生的纤维组织代替。
Female medical record, 45 years old. Mandibular joint was significantly enlarged, pain for 2 months. Physical examination: heart and lungs and abdomen without exception seen; left mandibular bulge, tenderness is not obvious, bone-like, swelling of the mandibular corner of condylar protrusion, limited opening, only open large 0.2cm, mandibular activity range of about 0.3 cm. X-ray showed: the left condyle was significantly larger than the right, and with clear boundaries of the joint nodules, trabecular structures and defects within the clinical diagnosis of: left condylar tumor, not excluding chondroma. Pathological changes: a typical mirror was deformed osteitis. Visible plate, trabecular formation of unique mosaic structure. Irregular binding lines are visible, which color deeper than normal bone tissue. The original lamellar structure of the bone disappears, and the bone marrow replaces the hyperplastic fibrous tissue.