患者男,20岁。因体检发现右肺上叶肿物5 d入院。入院查体:无阳性体征。胸部CT示:右肺上叶后段靠近肺门处可见类圆形肿块影,直径约35 mm,肿块边缘光滑;增强CT示:CT值28~40 Hu,肿块边缘光滑,内部可见强化的间隔,纵隔和肺门未见肿大的淋巴结(图1)。考虑良性病变,不排除硬化性血管瘤或支气管囊肿。支气管镜检查示:右主支气
Patient male, 20 years old. Due to physical examination found on the right lung lobulation 5 d admission. Admission examination: no positive signs. Chest CT showed: the right upper lobe posterior segment near the hilar can be seen around the hilar mass, a diameter of about 35 mm, the tumor smooth edges; enhanced CT showed: CT value of 28 ~ 40 Hu, mass edge smooth, the internal visible enhanced spacing , Mediastinum and hilar no enlarged lymph nodes (Figure 1). Consider benign lesions, does not rule out sclerosing hemangiomas or bronchial cysts. Bronchoscopy showed: the right main bronchus