中国与亚美尼亚合资年产 3万tCR项目可行性研究报告日前通过了山西省经贸委主持的评审。 中亚合资CR项目的中方山西合成橡胶集团有限责任公司是目前我国最大的CR生产企业 ,其CR产品在国内的市场占有率达到 3 4 %以上。但由于该公司现有的CR用单体及聚合工艺在生
China and Armenia joint venture with an annual output of 30,000 tCR project feasibility study report recently approved by Shanxi Provincial Economic and Trade Commission presided over the review. China Central-West joint venture CR project Shanxi Synthetic Rubber Group Co., Ltd. is currently China’s largest CR production enterprises, CR products in the domestic market share of more than 34%. However, due to the company’s existing CR monomers and polymerization process in life