GTC技术公司将向中国石油独山子石化分公司转让芳烃抽提蒸馏回收技术,独山子石化将采用GT-BTX工艺从其1.2 Mt/a乙烯装置热解汽油中抽提高纯度BTX芳烃,该乙烯装置将于2008年下半年投产。 2004年初,GTC技术公司已将其GT-BTX工艺技术
GTC Technologies will transfer aromatic extract distillation recovery technology to PetroChina’s Dushanzi Petrochemical Branch. Dushanzi Petrochemical will extract high purity BTX aromatics from its 1.2 Mt / a ethylene pyrolysis gasoline using the GT-BTX process Ethylene plant will be put into operation in the second half of 2008. In early 2004, GTC Technologies Inc. has introduced its GT-BTX process technology