
来源 :中国石油和化工经济分析 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:soboy1759
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今年前三季度,国内原油表观消费量和汽煤柴油表观消费量增速回升;原油生产放慢,成品油生产增速加快;原油进口量较快增长,对外依存度达到59.4%,汽煤柴油出口量扩大。展望四季度,国内石油需求将保持增长,增速比前三季度减缓,带动石油生产增速回落;原油进口继续较快增长,汽煤柴油继续净出口;汽柴油市场相对稳定。预计全年原油表观消费量约51240万吨,比上年增长4.9%;汽煤柴油表观消费量约29800万吨,同比增长4.0%。全年原油产量约20860万吨,比上年增长0.2%;原油加工量约49420万吨,同比增长3.3%;汽煤柴油产量约31100万吨,同比增长5.0%。全年原油净进口量约30380万吨,比上年增长8.3%,对外依存度达59.3%。 In the first three quarters of this year, the apparent domestic consumption of crude oil and apparent consumption of coal, diesel and diesel rebounded; the production of crude oil slowed down and the production of refined oil accelerated; the import of crude oil increased rapidly with an external dependence of 59.4% Coal and diesel exports expanded. Looking into the fourth quarter, domestic oil demand will keep growing, slowing down compared with the first three quarters and driving down the growth of oil production. Crude oil imports will continue to grow rapidly and coal, diesel and diesel will continue to experience net exports. The gasoline and diesel market is relatively stable. Apparent annual consumption of crude oil is estimated at 512.4 million tons, an increase of 4.9% over the previous year. Apparent consumption of steam coal and diesel oil is approximately 298 million tons, an increase of 4.0% over the same period of last year. The crude oil output in the year was 208.6 million tons, up 0.2% over the previous year. The processing volume of crude oil was 494.2 million tons, up 3.3% over the same period of last year. The output of steam coal and diesel oil was about 31100 million tons, up 5.0% from the same period of last year. The net crude oil imports in the year amounted to 303.80 million tons, an increase of 8.3% over the previous year and the foreign dependence reached 59.3%.
奥尔加特提着行李箱刚刚走出机场,一辆出租车停在了他身前。开车的小伙子摇下车窗,热情地朝他打招呼。  车门上印着的漫画头像让这辆破旧的汽车看起来顺眼多了,奥尔加特放弃了多走几步的打算。听到司机的报价后,他摇了摇头:“这并不是我第一次来这座城市,以前的价格可没这么贵。”“以前油价也没有这么高。”小伙子耸耸肩,“不过,我保证会让您的行程物超所值的。”  奥尔加特摸着下巴笑了笑,打开车门坐了进去,多年来养
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1.4习性与行为暗纹东方主要栖息于水体的中下层。当温度高于30℃ ,就会潜入底层水温适宜的水域。游泳时悠闲、缓慢 ,各鳍舒展缓缓摆动。当捕食、避敌或受到惊吓时 ,会直线型地疾