Under the vertical load, the foundation will generate lateral deformation, especially the soft clay foundation is more significant under large-area and larger loads. Its number is not small, regardless of the calculation of the foundation of the subsidence or its impact on the neighboring foundation must be considered. Lateral deformation observation is also an important project for the control of the loading rate of soft clay foundations. At present, it has begun to attract people’s attention, but in the soil mechanics literature has not yet seen the theoretical and experimental research results in this area, therefore, the discussion of this topic has practical and theoretical significance. In this paper, according to the solution of Bucinsky’s solution, the Poisson’s ratio μ=0.5 is used to derive the soft clay ground under vertical load conditions such as uniform rectangle, uniform dome, uniform strip, long triangle and long trapezoid. The theoretical formula for the lateral displacement of the elastic deformation stage is calculated for ease of application and made into a calculation diagram or table. The calculation of the lateral displacement under the rectangular uniform vertical load is similar to that of Newmark’s method of finding the vertical stress in the foundation, which can be applied to more kinds of loads. In this paper, the indoor model test results are also presented, and the theoretical calculation method is fully verified. Through the experiment, several changes in lateral deformation are observed.