情系福利院 爱暖三春晖——《小星星》小记者团敬老爱老社会公益活动

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“哈哈哈哈……”一阵高过一阵的笑声从南昌市社会福利院传出来,原来是《小星星》杂志社的小记者们带着精心准备的节目,来看望福利院的爷爷奶奶们啦!热情的张奶奶一看到小记者们就激动地招呼道:“《小星星》的小记者们,老记者欢迎你们!”原来这位年过七旬的老奶奶年轻时也是一位记者呢!——《小星星》小记者团敬老爱老社会公益活动 “Ha ha ha ha ... ...” While a burst of laughter came from Nanchang Social Welfare Institute, the original is “Little Star” magazine’s small reporters with well-prepared programs to visit the Welfare Institute grandparents The enthusiastic grandmother saw a small reporter excitedly greeted: “” Little Star “small reporters, the old reporter welcomes you!” The original over 70 years old grandmother is also a young A correspondent too! - “Little Star” small reporter Tuan Jing old love old social welfare activities
本文对铜仁文物资源的优势和特点、保护开发的现状和存在的问题进行了认真分析,并就保护开发铜仁文物资源提出了初步思路。 This paper analyzes the advantages and charac
各种甲状腺疾病多表现为结节,临床上对甲状腺结节常采取手术治疗,术前获得准确的病理诊断对其治疗至关重要.为提高甲状腺结节的诊断水平,我们开展了彩超引导下甲状腺结节粗针穿刺活检(core needle biopsy, CNB),进行组织学诊断。