Experimental study of a low-pressure hybrid RF discharge

来源 :等离子体科学和技术(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:CoolSky_BO
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Experimental study of the low-pressure hybrid RF discharge with both inductive and capacitive channels was carried out.The RF power unit consists of inductor (antenna) and capacitor plates connected in parallel to the same RF power source.A separating capacitor Csep is included into the circuit between the antenna ends and the lead connected to the discharge capacitor plate in order to prevent the closing of the capacitive circuit through direct current by inductor and to control the contribution of capacitive channel to discharge sustaining.It is shown that at low power of the RF power source,power coupling to the discharge mainly occurs through the capacitive channel.Increasing the power of the RF power source increases the power coupled in the inductive channel,electron density,and current flowing through the capacitive channel.This leads to increasing voltage drop on the separating capacitor and partial cutoff of the capacitive channel.At separating capacitance values below certain value (below 50 pF in the present experiments),the self-bias of the loaded plate of the discharge capacitor becomes positive indicating that the thickness of the electrode sheath of the loaded electrode decreases compared to thickness of the sheath of the grounded electrode.The thickness of the space-charge sheath of the grounded electrode decreases with increasing power coupled to the plasma.At separating capacitance below 50 pF,higher harmonics of the RF voltage and current are actively generated in the capacitive discharge channel.Increasing the separating capacitance leads to decreasing electron density,increasing effective electron temperature and more effective RF energy coupling to plasma due to increasing relative importance of the capacitive discharge channel.
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【摘要】随着我国社会文明的不断发展,对教育事业的提出了构建实验教学体系的新要求,提高教学质量,培养出高素质综合型人才。实验教学体系与传统的教学体系具有明显的差别,实验教学体系对提高教学质量具有重大作用意义,本文对高校构建实验教学体系进行分析探讨,为更好地培养出高素质人才作贡献。  【关键词】高校 实验教学 探讨 建议  【中图分类号】G64【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2016
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