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 曾经  任微风吹拂心底    露珠般的彷徨        你啊  为什么毅然  抛弃养尊处优    扎根在并不肥沃的土地        你啊  为什么安然  数年如一日    只有奉献伴时光流淌        你啊  为什么经济大潮中几多诱惑你固守这份 Once served as a breeze blowing heart dew-like imitation of you why ah decided to abandon pampered ginseng roots in the fertile land why you ah safe for several years as a dedication only with the flow of time you ah why the economic tide in the temptation of you stick to this
A high quality of GaAs crystal growth in nanoscale V-shape trenches on Si(001) substrates is achieved by using the aspect-ratio trapping method.GaAs thin films
We propose and demonstrate a Q-switched erbium-doped fiber laser(EDFL) using an erbium-doped zirconiaalumina silica glass-based fiber(Zr-EDF) as a saturable abs
We report a back-gated metal-oxide-ferroelectric-metal(MOFM) field-effect transistor(FET) with lead zirconate titanate(PZT) material,in which an Al doped zinc o
We study the synchronization dynamics in a system of multiple interacting populations of phase oscillators.Using the dimensionality-reduction technique of Ott a
A simple and repeatable method is proposed for fabricating microfluidic channels on polydimethylsiloxane(PDMS)substrates. In the proposed approach, ridge struct
We report a cw Tm:YAP laser resonantly pumped Ho:LuVO_4 laser in passively Q-switched(PQS) mode with Cr~(2+):ZnS as a saturable absorber(SA).The influence of di
We report the experimental observation of two-dimensional Talbot effect when a resonance plane wave interacts with a two-dimensional atomic density grating gene
一个基本建设工程项目 ,从前期决策到竣工投产 ,贯穿始终的 ,除各方技术条件满足要求外 ,更为重要的是经济合理性 ,而经济合理的关键则是工程造价。本文从工程建设的不同阶段