汉普的发展颇具传奇性和故事性:从3 万元起步,历经数年高速成长,成为中国规模最大、最具影响力的管理咨询公司之一, 也因此吸引了资本市场的目光,先是在 2000年底被香港物流公司相中,继而2002 年又被联想接盘,到2004年更被在纳斯达克股市风光一时的亚信纳入囊中,2005年 11月汉普实施了管理层收购(MBO),这是汉普5年内发生的第4次公司层面的变革。人们开始反思:智力密集型的咨询公司与资本市场对接是不是做强做大的理想途径?也许以国际顶级咨询公司麦肯锡为代表的合伙人制才是这个行业最有生命力的制度安排?
Hampoo’s development is quite legendary and story-telling: starting from 30,000 yuan and after several years of rapid growth, becoming one of the largest and most influential management consulting firms in China, it has also attracted the attention of the capital market. First, By the end of 2000 by the Hong Kong logistics company phase, followed by Lenovo in 2002 to take the plate, by 2004 was more spectacular NASDAQ stock market into the bag, in November 2005 Hampu implemented a management buyout (MBO) This is the fourth corporate-level change that Hamp took place in five years. People began to reflect on whether intellectual-intensive consulting firms and capital markets are the ideal way to make them bigger and bigger. Perhaps the partnership system represented by McKinsey, the top international consulting firm, is the most viable institutional arrangement in this industry?