
来源 :中国钢铁业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lsylianyangdeyu
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在2006年11月16日由中国钢铁工业协会主持召开的“钢铁市场供需形势分析和规范市场竞争秩序座谈会”上中国钢铁工业协会常务副会长兼秘书长罗冰生同志作了讲话。他说,召开这次会议中心议题是针对当前国内钢材市场因人为炒作因素产生异动,要求我们钢铁生产企业进一步规范销售行为,以促进国内钢材市场的稳定、健康发展。罗冰生同志讲了三个问题:一、今年以来钢铁行业的运行情况他说,今年前三季度我国国民经济总体呈现增长快、运行稳、质量提高的发展格局,在国内、国际市场需求旺盛的情况下,我国钢铁工业运行情况总的来 On November 16, 2006, Comrade Luo Bingsheng, executive vice president and secretary general of China Iron and Steel Association, delivered a speech on “Symposium on Supply and Demand Analysis and Standardization of Market Competition” hosted by China Iron and Steel Association. He said that the issue of convening this conference center is for the current domestic steel market due to artificial speculation factors have changed, requiring our steel manufacturing enterprises to further standardize sales activities in order to promote the stability and healthy development of the domestic steel market. Comrade Luo Bingsheng talked about three issues: First, the operation of the steel industry since the beginning of this year He said that in the first three quarters of this year, the national economy in our country as a whole showed a pattern of rapid growth, steady operation and high quality. In the case of strong demand in the domestic and international markets Under the operation of China’s steel industry in general
从电厂实际使用情况看,由于水泵供水量不足,缺口很大,故对循环水泵进行技术改造,将新叶轮叶片由原泵 的4片增至6片,进口边位置也适当向前延伸,叶轮进口直径适当扩大。从改造后的效果