你是怎么保护你的心脏?捏着鼻子吞颗味道不好的深海鱼油胶囊、维生素E胶囊,还是大蒜胶囊? 其实,你可能不知道,最有益心脏的食物,往往藏在大自然中。根据古书记载,讲究医食同源的中医,在心血管病人的居家调理上,也会建议服用一些有益心脏的食物如山楂、海参、海带、木耳、芹菜等。 以现代营养学角度分析,这些“好心”食物并非空穴来风。大部分的“好心”食物均含有大量纤维素及
How do you protect your heart? Nose swallowed bad taste deep-sea fish oil capsules, vitamin E capsules, or garlic capsules? In fact, you may not know, the most beneficial heart food, often hidden in nature. According to ancient records, pay attention to the traditional Chinese medicine and food homologation, cardiovascular home conditioning, will also recommend taking some heart-healthy foods such as hawthorn, sea cucumber, kelp, fungus, celery and so on. Analysis of modern nutrition point of view, these “kind” food is not groundless. Most of the “kind” foods contain a lot of cellulose and