老年人NIDDM除常规饮食控制和中西医治疗外,更重要的是加强体育锻炼,对降低血糖有一定作用。就门诊两年来确诊37例NIDDM,报导如下: 1 临床资料 1.1 一般资料 37例NIDDM全部是门诊男性患者,年龄60~76岁,平均66岁。体型肥胖8例,正常标准25例,消瘦4例。病程2~24年。体检发现血糖增高后又复查,不论有无糖尿病症状取晨空腹时静脉血,葡萄糖氧化酶法血溏有2次以上≥6.72mmol/L(120mg%)确诊为NIDDM。 1.2 临床表现 全部病例无典型“三多一少”症状。无症状15例,乏力5例,头昏和乏力5例,头昏4例,口渴4例,视力减退2例,其中有2例,因突感饥饿、出汗、头昏和乏力,考虑低血糖(当时未测血糖)立即口服糖果后症状消失。合并冠心病10例和动脉硬化4例。
In addition to conventional diet NIDDM elderly and Chinese and Western medicine treatment, more important is to strengthen physical activity, to reduce blood sugar have a certain effect. 37 outpatients diagnosed NIDDM two years, reported as follows: 1 Clinical data 1.1 General Information 37 cases of NIDDM are outpatient male patients, aged 60 to 76 years, mean 66 years. Body fat in 8 cases, 25 normal standard, weight loss in 4 cases. Course of 2 to 24 years. Physical examination found that elevated blood sugar and then review, regardless of whether the symptoms of diabetes to take fasting venous blood, glucose oxidase hematocele more than 2 times ≥ 6.72mmol / L (120mg%) was diagnosed with NIDDM. 1.2 Clinical manifestations None of the typical cases of “three more and one less” symptoms. Asymptomatic in 15 cases, 5 cases of fatigue, dizziness and fatigue in 5 cases, dizziness in 4 cases, thirst in 4 cases, vision loss in 2 cases, of which 2 cases, due to sudden hunger, sweating, dizziness and fatigue, consider Hypoglycemia (when not measured blood sugar) immediately after oral administration of candy disappeared. Coronary heart disease in 10 cases and atherosclerosis in 4 cases.