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一、引言中国古代桥梁的辉煌成就曾在世界桥梁发展史中占有重要的地位,为世人所公认。18世纪英国工业革命造就了现代科学技术,使欧美各国相继进入了现代桥梁工程的新时期。十九世纪中叶的鸦片战争,使已经落后的中国在列强的侵略下沦为半殖民地半封建的国家。此后,帝国主义列强为掠夺中国的资源在中国大量修筑铁路,开挖矿山,在津浦、平汉等铁路上由外国工程师修建了黄河大桥,在被迫 I. INTRODUCTION The brilliant achievements of ancient Chinese bridges have played an important role in the history of the world’s bridge development and have been recognized by the world. The industrial revolution in England in the 18th century created modern science and technology, which brought the European and American countries one after another into the new period of modern bridge engineering. The Opium War in the middle of the nineteenth century caused the already backward China to become a semi-colonial and semi-feudal country under the aggression of the powers. Since then, the imperialist powers have plundered China’s resources to build a large number of railroads and excavation mines in China. The Yellow River Bridge, built by foreign engineers on the Jinpu and Pinghan railways,