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近年来,我国住房保障事业发展的步伐不断加大,保障任务十分繁重。为了解决资金缺口问题,国家从2014年开始,大力推广PPP模式在包括保障性安居工程在内的基础设施和公共服务领域的应用。但目前保障房PPP项目签约落地的项目,相比于其他基础设施项目并不多。通过从社会资本的角度,分析保障性安居工程PPP模式的可行性,以期为推进PPP模式在保障房领域的运用提供参考。 In recent years, the pace of development of housing security in our country has been constantly increasing, and the guarantee task is very heavy. In order to solve the funding gap, the state started in 2014 to promote the PPP model in infrastructure and public service applications including affordable housing projects. However, there are not many other projects in infrastructure projects that are currently underway for signing PPP projects. By analyzing the feasibility of the PPP model of affordable housing project from the perspective of social capital, this paper provides a reference for promoting the PPP model in the field of affordable housing.
γ-Secretase is an intramembrane aspartyl protease that cleaves the C99 fragment of amyloid precursor protein to generate extracellular Aβ peptides.These pepti