1 建立战略性人力资源管理体系的必要性 为确立和发挥上海建工房产在上海房地产业中‘地王”的地位和作用,1999年1月,上海建工集团下属10家房产公司归并重组为上海建工房产有限公司,并采取了全员公开竞聘上岗。为此,众多员工迫切希望尽快建立和完善人力资源管理体系。 建立战略性人力资源管理体系(Strategic Human Resource Frame)是针对新组建的上海建工房产有限公司的需求特征而提出的,是我们新组建企业
1 The necessity of establishing a strategic human resource management system In order to establish and exert the status and role of Shanghai Construction Engineering Real Estate in the real estate industry in Shanghai, in January 1999, 10 real estate companies under Shanghai Construction Engineering Group were merged into Shanghai Construction Engineering Real Estate Co., Ltd., and took full open competition.For this reason, many employees are eager to establish and improve human resources management system as soon as possible.Supported by the establishment of Strategic Human Resource Management System (Strategic Human Resource Frame) The characteristics of the demand of Shanghai Construction Engineering Real Estate Co., Ltd. put forward our newly formed enterprise