The handheld computer market has matured since the end of the seven-year period, with more and more consumers buying for ease of use and functionality. However, usually priced at 4000-5000 yuan a Pocket PC, but more users in the face of their high prices prohibitive. Founder Technology Computer introduced mid-month priced at about 2,000 yuan a Pocket PC - the prevalence of 2000. Taking into account the user’s choice of handheld computer “practical and easy to use” principle, which Pocket PC has a concise and clear user-friendly design, powerful application capabilities, clear and bright display and rich user interface, which emphasizes the “right Data management and user-friendly features, ”set the name card, schedule, memo, email, drawing board, multi-function calculator, the world clock, English-Chinese dictionaries, puzzle games and other practical functions in one and has a good Upgrade capabilities and upgrades to protect users at any time from the Founder site download Founder PC company specifically for the development of its latest handheld software products, allowing users to experience the free “soft” rise of charm.