山东省邹城市属暖温带,为东亚大陆性季风气候区,四季分明,降水集中,雨热同步,冷热季和干湿季区别明显。日平均气温稳定超过0℃农耕期297天,期间大于0℃的积温为5 217℃,日平均气温≥10℃的活动积温为4 697℃,持续217天。年平均降水量为777.1 mm,主要集中在6、7、8月,近几年降雨时间逐年后移,6月份降雨偏少,9月份逐年增多。利用这一气候特点,本市从2013年起开展甘薯、大白菜赶茬
Zoucheng City, Shandong Province is a warm temperate zone, the East Asian continental monsoon climate zone, four seasons, precipitation is concentrated, rain and heat synchronization, hot and cold season and the wet-dry season difference is obvious. The average daily temperature was stable at 0 ℃ for 297 days. During the period, the accumulated temperature above 0 ℃ was 5 217 ℃. The active accumulated temperature at daily average temperature ≥10 ℃ was 4 697 ℃ for 217 days. The annual average precipitation is 777.1 mm, mainly concentrated in June, July and August. In recent years, the rainfall time is gradually shifting year by year. Rainfall in June was less than normal and increased gradually in September. Utilizing this climatic feature, the city started its sweet potato and Chinese cabbage cropping from 2013 onwards