
来源 :中国神经精神疾病杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:SLANGELA
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氯氮平致急性肌张力障碍1例报告山东淄博市精神病院祝英禄孙兆庆报道患者女,18岁,学生。因自笑、耳闻语声、猜疑2年入院。既往无重要躯体疾病史,有阳性精神病家族史,查体和实验室检查无异常发现,精神检查:神志清楚,呆滞,少语,注意力涣散,有幻视及言语性听幻... Clozapine induced acute dystonia in 1 case report Zibo City, Shandong Province mental hospital Zhu Yinglu Sun Zhaoqing reported female patients, 18 years old, students. Due to laugh, heard the voice, suspicion 2 years admitted to hospital. Previously no important history of somatic disease, a family history of positive psychosis, physical examination and laboratory tests were no abnormal findings, mental examination: conscious, sluggish, absentminded, distracted, visual hallucinations and speech ...