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研究了服役荷载作用下的轻钢蒙皮体抗剪性能。首先基于有限元理论建立了蒙皮体的有限元分析方法。采用具有翘曲功能的空间梁单元建立了支撑框架的模型,采用非线性板壳单元建立了压型钢板的模型。而蒙皮体中的连接件则采用多维弹簧单元模拟。建立了精细化的蒙皮体有限元模型,该模型充分考虑了压型钢板的沟槽和褶皱特点。在此基础上以某实际蒙皮体为工程背景,研究了其服役荷载作用下的抗剪承载力。结果表明:在较小的荷载作用下,蒙皮体尚处于线弹性服役状况。若外荷载持续增大,即便结构体系仍然处于线弹性服役状况,但其外围的蒙皮体则已进入了塑性阶段。中部两块板的抗剪性能较为类似,而边缘的两块板的抗剪性能与中部存在一定差异。 The shear resistance of light steel skin under load was studied. Firstly, based on the finite element theory, the finite element analysis method of skin body was established. The model of the supporting frame was established using the space beam element with warping function, and the model of the profiled steel plate was established using the nonlinear plate and shell element. The connectors in the skin are simulated using multidimensional spring elements. A refined finite element model of skin body was established. The model fully considered the characteristics of grooves and folds of profiled steel plates. Based on this, an actual skin body is taken as the engineering background, and its shear capacity under the service load is studied. The results show that under a small load, the skin body is still in a state of elastic resilience. If the external load continues to increase, even if the structural system is still in a state of linear elastic service, its peripheral skin body has entered the plastic stage. The shear performance of the two plates in the middle is similar, while the shear performance of the two plates on the edge is somewhat different from the middle.
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Ⅰ.单词拼写根据句意和汉语或首字母提示,写出句中所缺单词的正确形式。1.It’s good m to say“sorry”when youare late for I. Spelling The correct form of a missing