Taking the (3+1)-dimensional Jimbo-Miwa equation as a simple example, we develop a modified direct method to find symmetry groups and symmetry algebras. Some ex
We present a simple method that can be used to directly measure the squeezing of the quantum motional states of a trapped ion.Through the use of the interaction
1 病例报告 女, 49岁. 因左踝疼痛并跛行5+ mo,经服中药、针炙及理疗等保守治疗无效,于1998-04入院. 于入院前5 mo,无任何诱因罹患左踝疼痛,劳累后加重并伴有跛行,二便自控
We propose and demonstrate a new concept of stable narrow-line-width and close wavelength spacing dual-wavelength lasing in an Er-doped fibre ring laser (EDFRL)
上饶县教育局积极响应县委在全县农村开展“大联系、大台账、大帮带”主题实践活动的决定,深入贯彻落实党的十七届四中全会精神,切实加强党员干部党性修养和作风建设,密切党群干群关系,有计划、有步骤地全面开展“大帮带”活动。 为了真正了解帮扶群众的情况,制定切实可行的帮扶计划,县教育局领导班子成员分别下到帮扶贫困户所在地,走村串户,走进家庭。他们与困难群众深入交谈,掌握困难群众的家庭情况、生活状况以及遇到
We design and build a cw high quality and high power Nd:YVO4 laser of single frequency operation with a laser-diode dual-end-pumped geometry. The influence of t
A new general formula, for energy normalization of radial wave-functions of free electron and of quasi-free electron in confined atom, is derived in central fie