
来源 :南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ssz1000
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从豆科植物根瘤分离获得的89个根瘤菌株,经刺槐水培和盆栽接种试验,92-1-11、84-21、92-125三个菌株,不仅在刺槐根部形成的根瘤多且大,根瘤的乙炔还原固氮酶活性每克鲜瘤温育1h乙炔还原为乙烯量接近或超过了1000μmol,超过了三叶草优良根瘤菌株和高效大豆根瘤菌株的固氮水平,对刺槐生长有明显促进作用,生长二个月的植株平均鲜重超过5g,比对照高出82%以上,故认为这三个菌株为刺槐初筛的优良菌株,可供生产中试用, 89 rhizobia isolated from the nodules of leguminous plants, the Robinia pseudoacacia water culture and pot inoculation test, 92-1-11,84-21,92-125 three strains, not only in the roots of Robinia pseudoacacia formed more and larger, Nodule acetylene reduction activity of nitrogenase per gram of fresh tumor 1h acetylene reduced to ethylene amount close to or more than 1000μmol, exceeding the clover fine rhizobia strains and high soybean rhizobium nitrogen fixation levels, the growth of the role of Robinia has obvious role in the growth of two The average fresh weight of plants over 5 months was over 82% higher than that of the control. Therefore, these three strains were considered as excellent strains for primary screening of R. pseudoacacia and could be used for trial production.
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