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测定了DZ40M 钴基合金在900 ~1100 ℃空气中的氧化动力学曲线,观察分析了各温度下经不同时间氧化后合金的表面氧化物形貌和组成。该合金在900 和1000 ℃的静态氧化较好地符合抛物线规律,而在1050 和1100 ℃时由于氧化皮严重开裂和剥落而近乎呈直线发展。两者的氧化层形成机制有所不同,900 和1000 ℃的后期氧化产物以Cr2O3 为主,形成连续致密的保护层;1050 和1100 ℃的后期氧化产物以CoCr2O4 为主,不形成完整的Cr2O3 保护层。 The oxidation kinetics curves of DZ40M cobalt-based alloy in air at 900 ~ 1100 ℃ were measured. The surface oxide morphology and composition of the alloy after oxidation at different temperatures were observed and analyzed. The static oxidation of the alloy at 900 and 1000 ° C fits well with the parabolic law and almost linearly develops at 1050 and 1100 ° C due to severe cracking and spalling of scale. The formation mechanisms of the two oxide layers are different. The post-oxidation products at 900 and 1000 ° C are dominated by Cr2O3, forming a continuous and dense protective layer. The post-oxidation products at 1050 and 1100 ° C mainly consist of CoCr2O4 without complete Cr2O3 protection Floor.
吴夫人貌美能打动孙坚,才可能帮儿子安邦定国,信义能让张昭终生遵守承诺。三国女子,还有谁比她更了不起呢?  若问谁是三国时期最了不起的女子,答案肯定不是那个说不上是否真有其人的貂蝉,也不是曹操亲自请都不回头的丁夫人,而是孙坚的老婆、孙策孙权的母亲吴夫人,也就是戏曲当中那位吴国太的原型。  吴夫人很早就死了父母,和弟弟吴景生活在一起。孙坚听说她才貌双全,打算娶她为妻。吴家的亲戚嫌孙坚轻率狡猾,准备拒绝