In view of the problem of low viscosity at low shear rate of polymer drilling fluid system, experiments were conducted indoors to determine the optimal amount of additive, bentonite, lubricant, and fluid loss additive High-performance and low-harm drilling fluid formulations for reservoir protection are as follows: 4% slurry + 0.2% PF-Plus + 0.2% Drispac (HV) + 0.5% TQJ + 3% RHJ + 1.5% DFD + 0.5% NH4- HPAN + 4% KCl, and the reservoir protection performance was evaluated. The experimental results show that after the core is contaminated by the preferred drilling fluid system, the permeability recovery value is higher than 75% and the permeability recovery value basically restores after cutting the contaminated end face about 1cm To the original state, the average permeability recovery value reached 93.8%.