前言在Seidenader CS系列医药灌装产品异物检测机建造和调试期间,花费在编程上的时间几乎为零。这个秘密就在于非常模块化的机器及其自动化架构。对于Seidenader的制药行业客户而言,这意味着他们可以将更多时间花费在生产操作而非验证和维护上。而且机器比以往也更灵活。在所有这些进步背后,你会发现贝加莱集成自动化方案一步步向前推动着这种模块化的机器设计。
Preface During the construction and commissioning of the Seidenader CS series of pharmaceutical filling product foreign matter detectors, the time spent on programming is almost zero. The secret lies in the very modular machine and its automation architecture. For Seidenader’s pharmaceutical industry customers, this means they can spend more time on production operations than on validation and maintenance. And the machine is more flexible than ever. Behind all these advances, you will find B & R’s integrated automation solution moving forward with this modular machine design step by step.