围绕县委中心工作 加大决策督查力度

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随着督查工作的不断深入开展,县级党委办公室的督查工作重点逐渐转向决策督查。近年来我们围绕县委中心工作,通过争取领导参与、主动开展督查活动等形式,加大决策督查力度,促进了县委重大决策和部署的贯彻落实。一、争取领导参与,树立督查权威,加大督查力度。督查工作严格讲是一种领导行为,是各级领导同志的一项重要职责。县委办公室开展督查工作是为县委和县委领导决策的落实服务的,要使决策真正落到实处,就应主动争取县委领导对督查工作的重视、参与和支持,通过借助领导的力量,取得事半功倍的效果。我们在工作中突出抓了以下三点:一是借助领导批示,加大工作力度。领导批示即领导同志对某项工作表明态度或提出要求,借助领导指示开展督查工作,就增强了工作的权威和力度。1997年初,县委九届六次全委扩大会议召开以后,我们及时对会议决定事项进行归类和分解,归纳为8个方面的工作,分解为18项具体工作任务。县委 With the continuous deepening of inspection work, the focus of supervision work of county party committees’ offices gradually turned to decision-making inspection. In recent years, we have been working around the center of the county party committee by stepping up the participation of leaders and proactively carrying out supervision and inspection activities, intensifying the supervision of decision making and promoting the implementation of major decisions and arrangements made by the county party committee. First, strive for leadership participation, establish supervision authority, step up supervision. Supervisory work strictly speaking is a kind of leadership and is an important responsibility of leading comrades at all levels. County Office to carry out supervision work for the county and county leadership decision-making services, and to make the real decision-making, we should take the initiative for county leaders pay attention to the supervision work, participation and support through the leadership of the power to obtain A multiplier effect. In our work, we have focused on the following three points: First, with the guidance of leaders, we intensified our efforts. The leading instructions, that is, leaders and comrades, show their attitude or make demands on a certain work, and carry out supervision work with the help of leading instructions, thus enhancing the authority and strength of the work. In early 1997, after the sixth meeting of the Ninth National People’s Congress enlarged the Ninth Party Congress, we categorized and decomposed the decisions of the meeting in time and summarized them into eight aspects and decomposed them into 18 specific tasks. County
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