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  On June 2, 1953, Queen Elizabeth II is formally crowned1 monarch2 of the United Kingdom in a lavish3 ceremony steeped in traditions that date back a millennium4. A thousand dignitaries5 and guests attended the coronation6 at London’s Westminster Abbey, and hundreds of millions listened on radio and for the first time watched the proceedings on live television. After the ceremony, millions of people cheered the 27-year-old queen and her husband, the 30-year-old duke of Edinburgh, as they passed along a five-mile procession route in a gilded7 horse-drawn carriage.
  Elizabeth, born in 1926, was the first-born daughter of Prince George, the second son of King George V. Her grandfather died in 1936, and her uncle was proclaimed King Edward VIII. Later that year, however, Edward abdicated8 over the controversy9 surrounding his decision to marry Wallis Warfield Simpson, an American divorcee, and Elizabeth’s father was proclaimed King George VI in his place.
  During the Battle of Britain, Princess Elizabeth and her only sibling10, Princess Margaret, lived away from London in the safety of the countryside, but their parents endeared11 themselves to their subjects by remaining in bomb-damaged Buckingham Palace throughout the German air offensive12. Later in the war, Elizabeth trained as a second lieutenant13 in the women’s services and drove and repaired military trucks.
  In 1947, she married her distant cousin, Philip Mountbatten, a former prince of Greece and Denmark who renounced his titles in order to marry Elizabeth. He was made duke of Edinburgh on the eve of the wedding. The celebrations surrounding the wedding of the popular princess lifted the spirits of the people of Britain, who were enduring economic difficulties in the aftermath of World War II. Their first child, Prince Charles, was born in 1948 at Buckingham Palace. A second, Princess Anne, was born in 1950. On February 6, 1952, the royal couple was in Kenya in the midst of a goodwill tour when they learned the king had died.
  1947年,她与远房表亲菲利普·蒙巴顿结婚。菲利普亲王是前希腊和丹麦的王子,为了和伊丽莎白结婚,他放弃了自己的头衔。他在婚礼前夕被封为爱丁堡公爵。围绕这位受欢迎的公主的婚礼举行的庆祝活动鼓舞了在第二次世界大战后正经历经济困难的英国人民的精神。他们的第一个孩子查尔斯王子于1948年在白金汉宫出生,第二个孩子安妮公主在1950年出生。1952年2月6日,这对皇室夫妇在肯尼亚进行亲善之旅时,得知英国国王去世。   Elizabeth was immediately proclaimed Britain’s new monarch but remained in seclusion14 for the first three months of her reign15 as she mourned her father. During the summer of 1952, she began to perform routine duties of the sovereign16. On June 2, 1953, her coronation was held at Westminster Abbey.
  The ceremony at Westminster was one of pomp17 and pageantry18, and the characteristically poised19 Elizabeth delivered in a solemn and clear voice the coronation oath20 that bound her to the service of the people of Great Britain and the British Commonwealth. In the procession through the streets of London that followed, Elizabeth and her husband were joined by representatives from the more than 40 member states of the Commonwealth, including heads of state, sultans, and prime ministers. British troops like the Yeomen of the Guard were joined by a great variety of Commonwealth troops, including police from the Solomon Islands, Malaysians in white uniforms and green sarongs, Pakistanis in puggaree headdresses, Canadian Mounties, and New Zealanders and Australians in wide-brimmed hats. After the parade, Elizabeth stood with her family on the Buckingham Palace balcony and waved to the crowd as jet planes of the Royal Air Force flew across in tight formation.
  In five decades of rule, Queen Elizabeth II’s popularity has hardly subsided21. She has traveled more extensively than any other British monarch and was the first reigning British monarch to visit South America and the Persian Gulf countries. In addition to Charles and Anne, she and Philip have had two other children, Prince Andrew in 1960 and Prince Edward in 1964. In 1992, Elizabeth, the wealthiest woman in England, agreed to pay income tax for the first time.
  On April 21, 2016, Queen Elizabeth turned 90. Although she has begun to hand off some official duties to her children, notably22 Charles, the heir to the throne, she has given no indication that she intends to abdicate.
I used to be a naughty boy and my mother used to be angry with me. Now I’d like to say I’ve changed a lot. In fact, that is because of my mother’s diary.  One day I saw my mother’s diary by accident w
[摘 要] 核心素养需要深度学习的支撑,深度学习的教学实践需要关注其工具理性与人文理性. 当前评价体制之下,深度学习指向工具理性是必然的,但对于高中数学教学而言,深度学习又不只是为了实现考试评价的工具性需要,还应当满足学生在数学学习中发展数学思维、形成数学学科认知、实现自我效能提升的人文需要.  [关键词] 高中数学;工具理性;人文理性  在我国发布的《学生发展核心素养报告》中,核心素养被定义为学
瑞虎曾经是奇瑞向SUV市场进发时的顶梁柱车型,这款车型和他的名字一样,有着强健的产品力,为奇瑞的SUV车系发展贡献不少。现在瑞虎已经进化成为了一整个车系,这时,一款更大的车型也被提上了日程。  翻天覆地  对于瑞虎车系来说,我个人认为设计风格的巨大转折点就是瑞虎5的出现,他把更多的美学设计引入了瑞虎车系当中,而如今,瑞虎8出现在我的面前,在这款车里我看到了奇瑞最新的家族设计风格,也见到一些全新的设
改革开放前,国家在恢复国民经济的困难条件下,投资建成了一汽、二汽和改扩建南汽、北汽、济汽以及新建川汽、陕汽等生产企业,初步形成以载货车为主的汽车工业生产体系。高度集中的计划经济体制,掩盖了汽车产品的供求矛盾,资源匮乏、品种单一、货车缺重少轻、轿车近乎空白。改革开放前三十年,国内汽车可供资源仅17 0.8万辆,其中进口占比20.7%,出口仅占3.3%。1978年我国汽车产量只占世界总量的0.5%,年
几日前打开《GTA V》,看着洛城街边跳跃的Lowrider,我也仿佛跟随着律动到了另一个次元。今天就让我们听一首G-Funk,回到Lowrider的黄金年代。  应该有不少人和我一样,第一次见到Lowrider这种车不是在游戏里,就是在电影或MV里,毕竟在国内见到“活着的”Lowrider的几率,不亚于中一次大乐透。与上期我们提到的Hot Rod有些类似,Lowrider同样源于美国,也同样有着
其实说到上汽通用五菱,相信中国消费者无人不晓。连续十余年的中国车企销量冠军可不是盖的。当然了,随着近几年的消费升级,五菱的总销量产生了一定的下降,也交出了产销量第一的荣誉。不过即便在2020年如此不利的经济形势下,上汽通用五菱的全年销量仍然突破160万辆,总量依然可观。与此同时,五菱的产品性价比也在持续的提升之中。  说到性价比,无非产品力与价格两个方面。五菱有的产品是价格优势突出,比如宏光MIN
哈弗作为自主品牌的一个奇迹般的存在,这次又为我们带来了一款紧凑级SUV-哈弗H4,不出所料,H4依旧拥有红标与蓝标两个版本的存在。  差异化  在去年,我已經试驾过了许多款哈弗的suv车型,红标、蓝标可以说试了一遍,在拿到这款哈弗H4时,不出我所料,它依旧延续了哈弗suv红标与蓝标的差异化设计。在外观方面,红标版本更偏向于沉稳大气,而蓝标版本则偏向于年轻以及运动化。其实想要一眼分辨出H4红标与蓝标
摘 要:课堂教学中时常存在着学生“走神”的现象,其本质是一种“治理疲劳”现象.究其根源,与教师组织教学的方式、教师教态的呈现、教学过程中学生主体地位的体现以及课堂教学内容的趣味性都有着必然的联系. 只有分清学习兴趣和趣味主义的本质区别,坚持营造和谐、宽松、民主的教学氛围,循序渐进地引导学生完成自我突破,激活学生的学习兴趣,才能使学生从“走神”变“入神”,才能创造真正有效的数学课堂,从而实现有效教学
当宾利欧陆GT,遇上老北京的绿树红墙。北京城,千年古都,这里的胡同驶过一辆百年品牌的车你是不会觉得有什么突兀之处的,不管今天这里有多么随意,多么嘈杂,历史的底蕴在这儿,这是历史的对话。  也许有人说,这千年早已改变了一切,但我相信终究也会留下什么,就好像一辆车,一百年的时间,早已今非昔比,但灵魂一直在传承。  历经风雨与沧桑之后的北京城,今天阳光明媚,清晨摇晃的鸟笼从四合院里面一路荡到什刹海的栏杆