近年来,西乡县引种的大樱桃普遍发生褐斑病,严重时造成叶片早期全部脱落,并引起当年二次发芽,甚至开花,严重影响来年正常的生长和结果,给果农造成很大的经济损失。为有效的控制病害,通过药剂试验,为大田推广应用提供参考。1材料与方法 1.1试验材料试验设在西乡县城关镇余家山村余炳明的果园。供试验大樱桃为8年生“红灯”、“先锋”等,株距3m、行距4m,树形为细长纺锤形。果园为丘陵缓坡地,土壤土层深厚,黄褐土,较肥沃,pH值6.5左右,没有灌溉条件。
In recent years, the introduction of Xixiang widespread brown cherry leaf spot, causing severe early leaves all fall off and cause the second germination, or even flowering that year, seriously affecting the normal growth and the coming year, resulting in great economic benefits to growers loss. For the effective control of disease, through the pharmaceutical tests, to promote the application of the field to provide a reference. 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 Test Materials Test is located in Yucun Yucun Yucheng Village Xicheng County town orchard. Cherry for 8 years test for “red light”, “Pioneer” and so on, spacing 3m, spacing 4m, tree-shaped elongated spindle. Orchard gentle hills, soil deep soil, yellow cinnamon, more fertile, pH 6.5 or so, no irrigation conditions.