Mucosal immune function is closely related to the prevention of cancer, which is one of the most important advances in medical research in the past ten years. It is a well-known fact that if the immune system is reduced, the human body is susceptible to the disease and is particularly susceptible to malignant tumors. In the past scientists recognized that the body’s immune system there are two ways of immunization - cellular immunity and humoral immunity, that is, through the lymphocytes, macrophages, tumor killer cells and other immune cells and secretion of various antibodies to kill the body of toxic and harmful molecules Material. In recent years, experts have proposed: In addition to the above two forms, the human body also has another way of immunization, that is, mucosal immunity. They think that if the mucosal immunity is reduced, the human body will also be attacked by bacteria and viruses, leading to various diseases. Medical research shows that human skin, mouth, respiratory, gastrointestinal, vaginal and urinary tract surface covered by mucosal tissue, there are a large number of immune cells in these six types of mucosa, such as lymphocytes and macrophages. Experiments show that the body produces a daily immune