平和县农业局水果开发中心针对溪蜜柚生产中普遍存在且日益严重的果实日灼、裂果、病虫鼠害及果皮农药残留超标等问题 ,于 1 999年 5月上旬 ,通过台商从台湾引进柚类套袋新技术及特制纸袋 6万只 ,在县境内 1 6个乡镇场选择树龄树势相对一致的盛产期柚园 ,进行溪蜜柚果实套
Pinghe County Bureau of Agriculture Fruit Development Center for potherb musty prawn production ubiquitous and increasingly serious fruit sunburn, cracking, pest and pest pests and pests and other excessive pesticide residues, in early May 1 999, through the Taiwan businessmen from Taiwan introduced pomelo bagging technology and special paper bags of 60,000, in the county’s 16 townships to choose the age of tree-shrubs are relatively consistent pomelo garden, pomelo fruit pomelo sets