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苏联汉学奠基人阿列克谢耶夫院士翻译的《聊斋志异》自 192 2年出版第一个题材分类译本《狐妖集》开始 ,而后又于 192 3、192 8、1937年陆续出版了《神僧集》、《志怪故事集》、《异人集》。阿列克谢耶夫译本以其优美、生动而传神的语言和独到的翻译风格受到苏联广大读者的喜爱多次再版 ,印数庞大。 2 0 0 0年俄罗斯“圣彼得堡东方学”出版社又将阿列克谢耶夫翻译的所有聊斋小说和研究作品结集出版 ,全面展示了俄版《聊斋志异》风貌以及译者对这部作品的深刻理解。本文作者以阿列克谢耶夫翻译、研究、出版《聊斋志异》为中心 ,将与俄版《聊斋志异》有关的各色人等分为“朋友”和“冤家”两大类 ,详细介绍了《聊斋志异》这部伟大的作品在苏联和俄罗斯不同寻常的传播历程 ,以及在此过程中产生的恩恩怨怨 ,展示了阿列克谢耶夫为俄版《聊斋志异》所付出的心血以及《聊斋志异》对阿列克谢耶夫及其弟子的深刻影响。作者不断将译者的命运和人格与蒲松龄及其小说中的人物和思想进行比照 ,反映了译者对作品独特领悟 ,披露了诸如译者与高尔基以及出版社编辑在译文上的分歧、读者对译本的意见反馈以及肃反时期阿列克谢耶夫的那些同样对《聊斋志异》抱有深厚感情的学生们的遭遇。 The founder of the Soviet sinology Alexeiyev translation of “Strange Stories from a Studio” since 1922 published the first translation of the theme of “Fox demon episode” began, and then in the1992 3,192,81937 years after another published “God monk set”, “strange story set”, “alien episode.” Alexeyev’s translations have been reprinted several times by the readers of the Soviet Union for its beautiful, vivid and vivid language and unique style of translation. In 2000, Russia’s “St. Petersburg Orientalism” publishes all the ghost stories and research works translated by Alexeiyev and publishes a comprehensive exhibition on the style of the Russian version of “Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio” and the translation of this work by the translator A deep understanding. Based on Alexeiyev’s translation, research and publication of Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio, the author divides the colored people related to the Russian version of “Strange Tales from Liaozhai” into two categories: “friend” and “enemy” This article introduces the unusual propagation history of the great works of Liao Zhai Zhi Yi in the Soviet Union and Russia as well as the grievances and grievances that have arisen during this process. It shows Alexeyev’s version of “Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio” The painstaking efforts and the profound impact of “Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio” on Alexeiyev and his disciples. The author constantly compares the translator’s fate and personality with Pu Songling and his characters and thoughts in his novels, reflecting the translator’s unique understanding of the work, disclosing the differences in translation between the translator and Gorky and the editor of the publication. The readers Feedback on the translation, and the experience of Alexeyev in the anti-revolt period, as well as those students who had deep feelings for Strange Stories.
魏晋南北朝时期是《诗经》研究史上一个成果繁夥的时期 ,不仅在经学方面有所进展 ,更为重要的是在文学方面的审视已进入了一个自觉阶段 ,特别注重其文学上的抒情特点 ,而不再
全国人大代表、富润控股集团有限公司董事局主席赵林中表示,近年来,拐卖儿童现象屡禁不止,他建议修改相关法律,严惩拐卖儿童犯罪,解救被拐儿童。 Zhao Linzhong, NPC deputy