Local time At around 2:30 on July 30, 2012, a failure of an EHV transformer substation in Uttar Pradesh, India, led to overload of some transmission lines and substations, followed by a chain reaction that eventually led to the collapse of the entire northern power grid. Outage covers the northern region of India, affecting the power supply load 35.67 million kilowatts (the whole network load of about 200 million kilowatts). After about 15 hours of repairs, 80% of black-out users’ electricity was restored. However, on July 31 at 13:02, more than 20 states (28 in the east, north and northeast of India) plunged into again due to the failure of the relay station near the Taj Mahal and the power outage again. Paralyzed state of electricity supply in nearly half of India’s territory