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幼儿天性好奇、好问,有着强烈的求知欲望,区域活动顺应了幼儿的心理特点,它不仅有着宽松、愉悦的学习环境,幼儿在自主活动的空间里合作交往、选择材料、探索发现,满足发展需求,而且区域中的材料为幼儿问题意识的产生提供契机。因此区域活动是养成幼儿发现问题、探究问题、求新求异、解决问题良好思维习惯的有效途径。 It is not only a relaxed and pleasurable learning environment, but also a place for children to cooperate and interact in the space of independent activities, select materials, explore and discover, and satisfy the demand of development Needs, and the materials in the region provide opportunities for the emergence of early childhood awareness. Therefore, regional activities are an effective way to develop early childhood problems, explore problems, find new differences and solve good habits of thinking.