
来源 :福建党史月刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dt
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邓小平对外开放理论,是马克思主义基本原理同当代中国实际和时代特征结合的产物,是党近30多年来实行最成功、最伟大的方针政策之一。本文从阐述邓小平对外开放理论的形成发展入手,进而分析邓小平对外开放理论的重大意义。接着,叙述福清作为福建省的著名侨乡、我国首批设立的沿海开放城市福州的南翼市(县),在邓小平对外开放理论的指导下,解放思想,更新观念,抢抓机遇,发挥优势,用活政策,全力推动开放型经济发展的轨迹、做法和成效。邓小平对外开放理论在福清的成功实践,使福清区域经济综合实力由1978年位居全省市(县)第57位跃升为第2位,并进入全国百强市(县)行列,在全省乃至全国发挥了对外开放的窗口示范作用。重温邓小平对外开放理论,对于进一步提高福清对外开放水平、推进福清海港新城开放开发、全面建成小康社会、促进闽江口金三角经济圈发展繁荣都具有十分重要的意义。 Deng Xiaoping’s theory of opening to the outside world is a product of the combination of the basic tenets of Marxism with the actual conditions of contemporary China and the characteristics of the times. It is one of the most successful and the greatest guidelines and policies in the past 30 years. This article begins with the formation and development of Deng Xiaoping’s theory of opening to the outside world, and then analyzes the great significance of Deng Xiaoping’s theory of opening to the outside world. Then, narrating Fuqing as a famous hometown of overseas Chinese in Fujian Province, the NanYi city (county) in FuZhou, the first open coastal city in our country, emancipating the mind, updating the concept, seizing the opportunity and exerting the superiority under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping’s theory of opening to the outside world We should make every effort to promote the trajectory, practice and effectiveness of the development of an open economy with a live policy. The successful practice of Deng Xiaoping’s theory of opening up in Fuqing made the comprehensive strength of Fuqing regional economy jump from No. 57 in 1978 to No. 2 in the whole province and rank among the top 100 cities and counties in the country. Even the whole country has played an exemplary window of opening to the outside world. Reviewing Deng Xiaoping’s theory of opening to the outside world is of great significance to further enhancing the level of opening up of Fuqing to the outside world, promoting the opening up and development of Fuqing Harbor Metro, building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and promoting the economic development of the Golden Triangle in the Minjiang River estuary.
一、研究概况 2002年,刑事诉讼法学研究的课题愈来愈广泛,研究趋于深化,更加触及深层与本质。对司法改革进程中出现的新现象、新事物,刑事诉讼法学者也给予了充分的关注。本
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曹某 ,男 ,37岁。因交通事故致右额骨骨折 ,住院治疗 1 0 7天。住院病程记录和出院记录都载明 :“该患者头脑清醒 ,可正确回答问题 ,思维敏捷 ,对受伤以前的事能基本回忆清楚