为了维护农民的合法权益,维护农机生产、 流通领域合法、有序、公平竞争,保证农机产品质 量和消费安全,进一步提高农民的维权意识和扩大农机投诉站在社会的影响,配合中国消费者协会农机产品质量投诉监督站组织的2003年“3·15”农机专业活动,3月15日,江苏省农业机械管理局在常州市农机大市场内举办“营
In order to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of peasants and safeguard the lawful, orderly and fair competition in the field of agricultural machinery production and circulation, ensure the quality of agricultural products and consumer safety, further enhance peasants’ rights awareness and expand the impact of agricultural complaints stations in the society, cooperate with the China Consumer Association Agricultural Machinery Product Quality Complaints Supervision Station in 2003 “3.15” Agricultural Machinery Professional Activities, March 15, Jiangsu Provincial Bureau of Agricultural Machinery in Changzhou Agricultural Machinery Market held "Camp